Asking questions (5W1H)

1. What

What is this? = cele si hamik? [ce1lay1 si3 ha1mik1?]

  • cele [ce1lay1] = this
  • si [si3] = is
  • hamik [ha1mik1] = what
Alternatives to this:
  1. yours = lu e [lu4 ay1]
  2. inside = laibin [lai3bin3]
  3. there = hepeng [hay1payng2]
  4. money = lui [lui1]
  5. it = hele [hay1lay1]

2. Who

Who are you? = lu si hamang? [lu4 si3 ha1mang2?]
  • lu [lu4] = you
  • si [si3] = are
  • hamang [ha1mang2] = who
Alternatives to you:
  1. they = ilang [i1lang2]
  2. the teachers = lause [lau3se1]
  3. his children = i e kia [i1 ay1 kiia4]
  4. these people = celei lang [ce1lay1 lang2]
  5. here = cepeng [ce1payng2]
Who is coming?/ Who comes? = hamang lai? [ha1mang2 lai2?]
  • hamang [ha1mang2] = who
  • lai [lai2] = come
The verbs can be either in the present continuous tense or present tense. Alternatives to the verbs:
  1. eat = ciak [ciak1]
  2. drink = lim [lim1]
  3. go = khi [khi3]
  4. talk = kongwa [kong4wa3]
  5. shout = jang [jang4]

3. When

When will he arrive? = i tiangsi/ tisi kau? [i1 tiang3si2/ ti3si2 kau3?]
  • i [i1] = he/ she
  • tiangsi/ tisi [tiang3si2/ ti3si2] = when
  • kau [kau3] = arrive
Alternatives to he arrive:
  1. she cook = i cuciak [i1 cu4ciak1]
  2. we sing = walang chiokua [wa4lang2 chiio4kua1]
  3. they pay = ilang henglui [i1lang2 hayng3lui1]
  4. the students play = hapseng litho [hap3sayng1 li4tho2]
  5. the police come = kengchat lai [kayng4chat3 lai2]

4. Why

Why do you want it? = lu comiksu ai hele? [lu4 co1mik1su3 ai3 hay1lay1?]
  • lu [lu4] = you
  • comiksu [co1mik1su3] = why
  • ai [ai3] = want
  • hele [hay1lay1] = that
Alternatives to you want:
  1. I need = wa suyau [wa4 su4yau3]
  2. the boys run away = hele tapo caukhi [hay1lay1 ta3por1 cau4khi3]
  3. the boss call you = thauke kio lu [thau3kay1 kio3 lu4]
  4. this girl cry = cele cabo gina hau [ce1lay1 ca3bor4 gi1na4 hau4]
  5. that dog bark =hele kau pui [hay1lay1 kau4 pui3]

5. Where

Where is your house? = lu e chu uan torlork? [lu4 ay1 chu3 uan1 tor1lork1?]
  • lu [lu4] = you
  • e [ay1] = of
  • chu [chu3] = house
  • uan [uan1] = at
  • torlork [tor1lork1]
Alternatives to house:
  1. school = okteng [ork3teng2]
  2. factory = kangtio [kang3tiio2]
  3. office = kantor [kan3tor1]
  4. thing = bikkia [bik3kiia3]
  5. family = chu e lang [chu3 ay1 lang2]

6. How

How did they do it? = ilang ancua co hele? [i1lang2 an1cua4 co3 hay1lay1]
  • ilang [i1lang2] = they
  • ancua [an1cua4] = how
  • co [co3] = do
  • hele [hay1lay1] = it
Alternatives to do:
  1. see = khua [khua3]
  2. say = kong [korng4]
  3. accept = ciapsiu [ciap4siu3]
  4. buy = be [bay4]
  5. sell = be [bay3]
How many are there? = u kuikai? [u3 kui4kai2?]
  • u [u3] = have; exist
  • kuikai [kui4kai2] = how many/ much


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