In the restaurant
In the restaurant = uan chaikuan [uan1 chai1kuan4] 彎菜館
— Excuse me, is the restaurant open?
Chiamui, chaikuan khui bo? [chiia4mui3, chai1kuan4 u3 khui1 bo2] 請問,菜館開無?
— Yes, we are open.
U, walang khui. [u3, wa4lang2 khui1] 有,我人開
— What is available to drink here?
U hamik esai lim e? [u3 ha1mik1 ay3sai4 lim1 ay1] 有啥物會使啉的?
— Tea, coffee, beer, wine, ...
Te, kapi, ciu, angciu, ... [tay2, ka3pi1, ciu4, ang3ciu4] 茶,咖啡,酒,紅酒,。。。
— Do you have something cold?
U leng e bo? [u3 layng4 ay1 bo2] 有冷的無?
— Yes, we have juice, water, milk...
U, walang u koici cap, pekcui, guleng... [u3, wa4lang2 u3 koi1ci4 cap3, payk3cui4, gu3layng1] 有,我人有果子汁,白水,牛奶。。。
— Then please give us two juice.
Ho wa nopoi koici cap [hor3 wa4 nor3poi1 koi1ci4 cap3] 予我兩杯果子汁
— Okay. Would you like to eat something as well?
Ho. Lulang u ai ciak bo? [ho4. lu4lang2 u3 ai4 ciak1 bo2] 好。你人有愛食無?
— Do you have bread?
U roti bo? [u3 ror3ti1 bo2] 有roti無?
— Yes, of course. Bread, meat, fish, everything is there.
U la. Roti, bak, hu, kaliau ma u. [u3 la4. ror3ti1, bak3, hu2, ka1liau4 ma3 u3] 有啦。Roti,肉,魚,合了嘛有
— Just bread with butter, please. Thank you.
Roti kak guyiu esai liau. Kamsia. [ror3ti1 kak3 gu3yiu2 ay3sai4 liau4. kam4sia3] Roti佮牛油會使了。感謝
Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash
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