Elefen for Travellers
Lingua Franca Nova (Elefen) is an internationally invented language. It is simple, easy to learn, and resembles Italian and Spanish. The grammar follows clear patterns, and the vocabulary is derived from Latin.
Lingua Franca Nova (Elefen) si cehang lang co e internasional e ua. I co chutlai kientan kak eng-ok. I thia khilai siangkak Itali ua kak Spanyol ua. I e grammar u pattern. I e ji si Latin ua lai e.
Lingua Franca Nova (Elefen) si3 ce3hang3 lang2 co3 ay1 internasional ay1 ua3. I1 co3 chut4lai2 kiayn4tan1 kak3 ayng3-ok1. I1 thiia1 khi4lai2 siang3kak4 Itali ua3 kak3 Spanyol ua3. I1 ay1 grammar u3 pattern. I1 ay1 ji3 si3 Latin ua3 lai2 ay1.
Lingua Franca Nova (Elefen)是一項人做的internasional的話。伊做出來簡單佮容學。伊聽起來像佮義大利話佮Spanyol話。伊的grammar有pattern。伊的字是拉丁話來的。
Elefen for Travellers
Elefen ho iukhek
[Elefen hor3 iu3khaek3]
Basic words – Parolas simple
Kientan e ji [kiayn4tan1 ay1 ji3] 簡單的字
si | yes si [si3] 是 |
no | no emsi [em3si3] 毋是 |
grasias | thank you kamsia [kam4sia3] 感謝 |
multe grasias | thank you very much kamsia cece [kam4sia3 cay4cay4] 感謝濟濟 |
no problem | you’re welcome mien khekkhi [miayn4 khaek4khi3] 免客氣 |
per favore | please chia [chiia4] 請 |
pardona | sorry / excuse me tuibekhi [tui4bay3khi4] 對不起 |
alo | hello halo [ha1lo4] 哈羅 |
adio | goodbye kiaseng [kiia2sayng1] 行先 |
asta plu tarda | see you later caikien [cai4kiayn3] 再見 |
bon matina | good morning cakhi ho [ca4khi4 ho4] 早起好 |
bon dia | good afternoon epo ho [ae3por1 ho4] 下晡好 |
bon sera | good evening ampor ho [am4por1 ho4] 暗晡好 |
bon note | goodnight amme ho [am4mae2 ho4] 暗暝好 |
me no comprende | I don’t understand wa bo bengpek [wa4 bo3 bayng3payk1] 我無明白 |
como on dise esta en elefen? | how do you say this in Elefen? lu ancua iong Elefen kong cele? [lu4 an1cuua4 iorng3 Elefen korng4 ce1lay1] 你按怎用Elefen講這個? |
tu parla …? | do you speak …? lu ehiau kong ...bo? [lu4 ay3hiau4 korng4 ...bo2] 你會曉講 ...無? |
engles | English ingbun [ing3bun2] 英文 |
franses | French huatbun [huat4bun2] 法文 |
deutx | German tekkokbun [tayk4kork3bun2] 德國文 |
espaniol | Spanish Spanyol bun [Spanyol bun2] 西班牙文 |
jonguo / xines | Chinese tiongbun [tiorng3bun2] 中文 |
me | I / me wa [wa4] 我 |
nos | we / us walang [wa4lang2] 我人 |
tu | you (singular) lu [lu4] 你 |
vos | you (plural) lulang [lu4lang2] 你人 |
el | he / she / him / her i [i1] 伊 |
lo | it i [i1] 伊 |
los | they / them ilang [i1lang2] 伊人 |
cual es tua nom? | what is your name? lu e mia si hamik? [lu4 ay1 mia2 si3 ha1mik1] 你的名是啥物? |
encantada! | pleased to meet you! huahi tu tiok lu! [huua3hi4 tu4 tiok1 lu4] 歡喜拄著你! |
como lo vade? | how are you? lu ancua? [lu4 an1cuua4] 你按怎? |
bon | good ho [ho4] 好 |
mal | bad phai [phaai4] 歹 |
sposa | wife bo [bor4] 某 |
sposo | husband ang [ang1] 翁 |
fia | daughter cabokia [ca3bor4kiia4] 查某囝 |
fio | son tapokia [ta3por3kiia4] 查埔囝 |
madre | mother mamak [ma3mak1] 媽媽 |
padre | father papak [pa3pak1] 爸爸 |
ami | friend peng-iu [payng3iu4] 朋友 |
do es la saleta privata? | where is the toilet / restroom? cuipang uan tolok? [cui4pang2 uan1 tor1lork1] 水房彎佗落? |
Numbers – Numeros
Hobe [ho3bae4] 號碼
zero | 0 |
un | 1 |
du | 2 |
tre | 3 |
cuatro | 4 |
sinco | 5 |
ses | 6 |
sete | 7 |
oto | 8 |
nove | 9 |
des | 10 |
des-un | 11 |
des-du | 12 |
des-tre | 13 |
des-cuatro | 14 |
des-sinco | 15 |
des-ses | 16 |
des-sete | 17 |
des-oto | 18 |
des-nove | 19 |
dudes | 20 |
dudes-un | 21 |
tredes | 30 |
cuatrodes | 40 |
sincodes | 50 |
sesdes | 60 |
setedes | 70 |
otodes | 80 |
novedes | 90 |
sento | 100 |
mil | 1000 |
milion | 1 000 000 |
Shopping and eating – Compras e comes
Be kak ciak bikkia
[be4 kak3 ciak1 bik3kiia3] 買佮食某物
cuanto esta custa? | how much does this cost? cele kuice lui? [ce1lay1 kui4cay3 lui1] 這個幾濟鐳? |
cual es esta? | what is this? cele si hamik? [ce1lay1 si3 ha1mik1] 這個是啥物? |
me va compra lo | I will buy it wa be [wa4 bay4] 我買 |
me vole compra … | I want to buy … wa ai be ... [wa4 ai4 bay4] 我愛買 ... |
tu ave …? | do you have …? lu u ... bo? [lu4 u3 ... bo2] 你有 ... 無? |
tu aseta cartas de credito? | do you accept credit cards? lu siu credit card bo? [lu4 siu1 credit card bo2] 你收信用卡無? |
abrida | open khui [khui1] 開 |
cluida | closed kham [kham3] 關 |
carta postal | postcard 明信片 |
selo postal | stamp perangko 郵票 |
poca | few / little tampok [tam3pok11] 淡薄 |
multe | many / much ce [ce3] 濟 |
tota | all kaliau [ka1liau4] 合了 |
come de matina | breakfast cateng [ca4teng3] 早頓 |
come media | lunch tiongtauciak [tiorng3tau3ciak1] 中晝食 |
come de sera | supper / dinner amteng [am4teng3] 暗頓 |
vejetaliste | vegetarian ce [cay1] 素 |
caxer | kosher yahudi e ciak [yahudi ay1 ciak1] 猶太食 |
joia! | cheers! yamseng! [yam1sayng] 飲勝! |
bon sania! | to your health! hibang lu kienkhorng [hi3bang3 lu4 kiayn3khorng1] 希望你健康! |
la fatura, per favore | the bill / check, please chia gia bon lai [chiia4 gia2 bon1 laiж] 請揭bon來 |
pan | bread roti 麵包 |
bevida | drink lim [lim1] 啉 |
cafe | coffee kopi [kor3pi1] 咖啡 |
te | tea te [tae2] 茶 |
jus | juice cap [cap3] 汁 |
acua | water cui [cui4] 水 |
bir | beer bikciu [bik3ciu4] 米酒 |
vino | wine angciu [ang3ciu4] 紅酒 |
sal | salt iam [iam2] 鹽 |
peper | pepper hoh3jio1 [hoh3jio1] 胡椒 |
carne | meat bak [bak3] 肉 |
carne de bove | beef gubak [gu3bak3] 牛肉 |
carne de porco | pork tubak [tu3bak3] 豬肉 |
carne de gal | chicken kebak [kay3bak3] 雞肉 |
pex | fish hubak [hu3bak3] 魚肉 |
vejetal | vegetable chai [chai3] 菜 |
fruta | fruit koici [koi1ci4] 果子 |
patata | potato kentang 馬鈴薯 |
salada | salad 沙拉 |
deser | dessert 甜點 |
crema jelada | ice cream sengko [seng3ko1] 霜糕 |
Travel – Viajas
Kiakia [kiia3kiia2] 行行
do es … ? | where is …? ... uan tolok? [uan1 tor1lork1] ... 彎佗落? |
cuanto es la custa de un bileta? | how much is a ticket? cetio tua kuice lui? [ce3tiior3 tuua1 kui4ce3 lui1] 一張單幾濟鐳? |
un bileta per vade a …, per favore | one ticket to …, please chia howa cetio tua khi ... [chiia4 hor3wa4 ce3tiior3 tuua1 khi3 ...] 請,一張單去 ... |
do tu vade? | where are you going? lu khi tolok? [lu4 khi3 tor1lork1] 你去佗落? |
do tu abita? | where do you live? lu tua uan tolok? [lu4 tua3 uan1 tor1lork1] 你蹛彎佗落? |
tren | train hoichia [hoi4chia1] 火車 |
bus | bus kongchia [korng3chia1] 公車 |
metro | underground / subway MRT 地下鐵 |
airoporto | airport poikitio [poi3ki3tiior2] 飛機場 |
stasion de tren | train station hoichiacam [hoi4chia1cam3] 火車站 |
stasion de bus | bus station chiacam [chia3cam3] 車站 |
stasion de metro | underground station / subway station MRT cam [MRT cam3] 地下鐵站 |
parti | depart / leave kia [kiia2] 行 |
ariva | arrive kau [kau3] 到 |
lueria de autos | car rental agency soichia tiam [soi4chia1 tiam3] 稅車店 |
parce de autos | car park / parking lot thengchiatio [thayng2chia1tiior2] 停車場 |
otel | hotel likuan [li1kuan4] 旅館 |
sala | room pangkeng [pang3kayng1] 房間 |
reserva | reserve tia [tiia3] 訂 |
tu ave un sala vacua per esta note? | do you have a room available for tonight? kime u pangkeng bo? [ki3mae2 u3 pang3kayng1 bo2] 今暝有房間無? |
no salas vacua | no vacancies bo khang e [bo3 khang1 ay1] 無空的 |
pasaporto | passport 護照 |
Directions – Dirijes
Hohngдhiohngф 方向
a sinistra | left topeng [to4payng2] 倒爿 |
a destra | right ciapeng [ciia4payng2] 正爿 |
direta a ante | straight ahead tit [tit1] 直 |
a supra | above lauteng [lau3tayng4] 樓頂 |
a su | below laukha [lau3kha1] 樓跤 |
distante | far hui [huui3] 遠 |
prosima | near kin [kin3] 近 |
longa | long teng [teng2] 長 |
corta | short te [tay4] 短 |
mapa | map teto [tay3tor2] 地圖 |
ofisia de informa per viajores | tourist information office iukhek cam [iu3khaek3 camф] 遊客站 |
Places – Locas
Socai [sor4cai3] 所在
posteria | post office kantor pos 郵局 |
museo | museum 博物館 |
banco | bank ginthang [gin3thang2] 銀行 |
ofisia de polisia | police station kengchatliau [kayng4chat3liau2] 警察寮 |
ospital | hospital lokkunchu [lork4kun3chu3] 老君厝 |
farmasia | pharmacy / drugstore ioktiam [iok3tiam3] 藥店 |
boteca | shop / store tiam [tiam3] 店 |
restorante | restaurant ciaktiam [ciak3tiam3] 食店 |
scola | school okteng [ork3teng2] 學堂 |
eglesa | church kauteng [kau4teng2] 教堂 |
saletas privata | restrooms / bathrooms cuipang [cui4pang2] 水房 |
strada | street ke [kay1] 街 |
rua | road lo [lor3] 路 |
plaza | plaza / square 廣場 |
monte | mountain sua [suua1] 山 |
colina | hill suakha [suua3kha1] 山腳 |
vale | valley lembah 山溝 |
mar | sea / ocean hai [hai4] 海 |
lago | lake danau 湖 |
rio | river kang [kang4] 港 |
pisina | swimming pool siucuiti [siu3cui4ti2] 游泳池 |
tore | tower 塔 |
ponte | bridge kio [kio2] 橋 |
Time and date – La data e la ora
Tiamsia kak tanggal
[tiam4siia1 kak3 tanggal] 點聲佮日期
cual es la ora? | what time is it? kuitiam? [kui1tiam4] 幾點? |
tre e des-sinco | 3:15 satiam capgo [saa3tiam4 cap3gor3] 三點十五 |
tre e un cuatri | 3:15 satiam sakai ji [saa3tiam4 saa3kai3 ji3] 三點三個字 |
des-un e tredes | 11:30 cap-it tiam sacap [cap3it3 tiam4 saa3cap1] 十一點三十 |
des-un e un dui | 11:30 cap-it tiam pua [cap3it3 tiam4 puua3] 十一點半 cap-it tiam lakkai ji [cap3it3 tiam4 lak3kai3 ji3] 十一點六個字 |
un e cuatrodes-sinco | 1:45 ittiam sicapgo [it1tiam4 si4cap3gor3] 一點四十五 |
du min un cuatri | 1:45 ittiam kaukai ji [it1tiam4 kau4kai3 ji3] 一點九個字 |
dia | day jit [jit1] 日 |
semana | week lepai [lay4pai3] 禮拜 |
mense | month goik [goik1] 月 |
anio | year ni [ni2] 年 |
lundi | Monday pai-it [pai4it3] 拜一 |
martedi | Tuesday paiji [pai4ji3] 拜二 |
mercurdi | Wednesday paisa [pai4saa1] 拜三 |
jovedi | Thursday paisi [pai4si3] 拜四 |
venerdi | Friday paigo [pai4gor3] 拜五 |
saturdi | Saturday pailak [pai4lak1] 拜六 |
soldi | Sunday lepai [lay4pai3] 禮拜 |
janero | January itgoik [it4goik1] 一月 |
febrero | February jigoik [ji3goik1] 二月 |
marto | March sagoik [saa3goik1] 三月 |
april | April sigoik [si4goik1] 四月 |
maio | May gogoik [gor3goik1] 五月 |
junio | June lakgoik [lak3goik1] 六月 |
julio | July chitgoik [chit4goik1] 七月 |
agosto | August pekgoik [payk4goik1] 八月 |
setembre | September kaugoik [kau4goik1] 九月 |
otobre | October capgoik [cap3goik1] 十月 |
novembre | November cap-it goik [cap3it4 goik1] 十一月 |
desembre | December capjigoik [cap3ji3goik1] 十二月 |
primavera | spring semi 春天 |
estate | summer juakthi [juak3thii1] 熱天 |
autono | autumn / fall gugur 秋天 |
inverno | winter lengthi [layng4thii1] 冷天 |
oji | today kinjit [kin3jit1] 今日 |
ier | yesterday camae [ca3mae2] 昨暝 |
doman | tomorrow miacai [mia4cai3] 明載 |
aniversario | birthday sejit [saae3jit1] 生日 |
bon aniversario! | happy birthday! 生日快樂! |
Traduida par George Boeree.
George Boeree huan-ik [huan1ik4]
George Boeree翻譯
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Lo ia es automatada jenerada de la paje corespondente en la Vici de Elefen a 27 setembre 2021 (15:19 UTC).
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